Epoxy Coating Resin

ClearCast Epoxy Coating Resin can be applied in this layers either clear or pigmneted using our range of Mica Powders. UV Stable and Viscous this Art Resin is an exceptional all round Epoxy Resin. Coat Art Projects or Make Jewellery!
Epoxy Coating Resin
ClearCast Epoxy Coating resin can be applied in this layers either clear or pigmented using our range of Mica powders. UV Stable and Viscous this Art Resin is an exceptional all round Epoxy Resin designed specifically for the Coating of Artwork and Mixed Media projects but lends itself to multiple applications.

This resin will self level when poured or can be applied by brush onto delicate canvas artworks and mixed media boards to add real punch and depth to your artwork.
Weight: 0.8kg